Frequently Asked Questions

Why? Why? Why?

You can look at our product features here. The intent of this system is to allow your family member or patient to refresh their mememory of events and people. Just showing a picture does not work if they can not identify the person or event so we need to add captions to refresh memories.

Synchronized displays - everyone sees the same thing

We worked hard to ensure that the same picture for a user is displayed on all the displays. In this way, you can call your Alzheimer sufferer on the phone and see what they are saying. For example "see Abby's dog Artie". Similarly if the forward or back buttons are pressed then ALL the displays showing that picture move forward or back.

Supported science?

We have NOT found any scientific literature to support the use of this so far. However, anecdotally my mother seems relieved when she looks at it. Of course sometimes she forgets where it is.

Can I cancel at anytime?

Yes, you can cancel anytime. No questions are asked while you cancel but we would highly appreciate if you will give us some feedback.

How do you add photos and information?

Login and click on the displays. Choose "view posts" and add the posts you want. You can drag the items (using the icon) to change display order. Movies and YouTube are coming soon.

Why not just use a standard picture frame or google photos

We believe that there is value to having the written annotation to remind the Alzheimer sufffer what is the content. Further more it is important to be able to see what is being displayed on the screen so you can explain if you are not there in person (eg during a phone call) If you look at the screen at the same time what is displayed is synchronized with the other device elsewhere

Why is their a title and title+text pages.

My mother forgets that her parents are dead. I just want to remind her they are dead using the title post. Everyone will have questions that recur. In this case I try to prevent "why have we not visited mom and dad".

We believe that preventing a reccuring question from being asked even once a day is worth a small monthly fee. Our monthly fee covers storage, operating costs and bandwidth.

What is underlying technology and is my data safe?

The system is built in elixir using Phoenix LiveView and other technologies. The posts are stored in PostGres database. Images and vidoes are stored in a S3 bucket on Amazon AWS. Your data is backed up automaticaly by our cloud partners.

Display on a TV

Our system to link to the TV with HDMI cable should be available by Aug 1, 2024. This allows for an easy interface using the TV remote.

iPhone and Android Apps

These are coming soon. If you want us to speed up the delivery of these please send us an email.